Friday, October 21, 2011

Are You Ready for Timeline on Facebook?

Are you ready for Facebook's new Timeline? With all the complaints people usually have for Facebook's changes, this is one I believe Facebook users will really enjoy. It seems to be a simple interface allowing you to take in your whole life (since joining and updating Facebook at least) with a scroll down the timeline. And according to Facebook, it will be easy to hide content that you see on your timeline with a simple click of a button. This may actually make it easier to locate and hide inappropriate content that you may have forgotten was lurking in the depth of your Facebook history. According to this infographic from, 69% of employers have rejected a job candidate due to content they found on the candidate's social network!

Reports were showing that Facebook would launch their new Timeline this week although it seems to have been delayed. If you are ready, you can go ahead and launch your timeline now following the instructions from this Nashville PR firm's blog post on Business2Community: Facebook Timeline Rolls Out Tomorrow

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