Saturday, October 23, 2010

PR Success Story - A Press Release About A Press Release

So a few months ago, I sent out a press release about a success we had with MusikPitch and The Local Taco jingle. I really enjoyed writing the release which you can read here: Get a Jingle

Following the success of that release, PRWeb called to interview me about my experience using their service. I basically told them that I loved it :)  I had first read about using PRWeb for press releases in David Meerman Scott's book: The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly. A great read and highly recommended. I also read Made to Stick after the recommendation of a couple people including Nashville's top UX expert, Justin Davis.

I tailored my press released based on the recommendations of both books and got a tremendous response from the release. It was picked up by over 5,000 sources and had 107,610 impressions to date. See attached data sheet.

Overall it was a brilliant success and a lot of fun to watch the news spread. 

PRWeb has written a great story about the effectiveness of that release here: PRWeb Helps MusikPitch Sing its Tune (which is a very nice looking blog by the way, well done guys). Which they then released across the wire and it was picked up by some big services to include Yahoo! News and the San Francisco Chronicle

So overall, I think the original release has paid for itself many times over. 

Have you ever used a press release wire service? What was your experience?

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